Who we are

Worlds of Contradiction (WoC) is an interdisciplinary and collaborative research platform which encompasses the humanities, cultural studies and sciences, social sciences, law, and educational sciences. Its aim is to develop and implement research projects, to foster early career researchers, and to implement projects of research-based learning as well as transfer projects with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary collaborative projects, all while serving to internationalise the participating academic fields.

We investigate concepts of contradiction and their epistemic framings, including notions such as difference, aporia, paradox, diversion, and discrepancy, across a range of different research projects. Our interest in the concept of contradiction goes beyond conventional dialectical approaches to contradictions or the purely normative notion of contradictions having to be resolved. Instead, we adopt an empirical approach to the social and cultural productivity of contradictions. We examine forms, context, methods, and conditions of living with them; that is, we explore how and to what end contradictions are used, enacted, and strategically dealt with and how they undo manifestations of heterogeneity, difference, and diversity.

WoC is conceived of as an open structure, which offers to bring together a vibrant and changing cluster of projects.

What we do

WoC initiates research projects and supports their implementation, devises research development strategies, and provides an institutional framework for interdisciplinary visions.

Information on the funding opportunities available to WoC members is available here

We organise research workshops, lecture series, discussion forums, and international conferences. Currently, most of our events are taking place on the university campus, yet we are seeking to expand our horizons and establish new venues in and around Bremen to foster the intellectual exchange with other institutions and individuals.

In 2019, we launched a new book series entitled Contradiction Studies

We are equally working on expanding our international reach and on establishing a research network, which draws international scholars to the University of Bremen and enables our early career researchers to build lasting international contacts. As part of that endeavour, we host the U Bremen Excellence Chair

How to join

Die Verbundforschungsplattform „Worlds of Contradiction“ ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Universität Bremen gem. § 92 des Bremischen Hochschulgesetzes (BremHG) unter der Verantwortung der Fachbereiche 06, 08, 09, 10 und 12. Unsere Satzung können Sie hier einsehen.

Als die HochschullehrerInnen, die wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen, LektorInnen, (Senior) Lecturer und (Senior) Researcher der oben genannten Fachbereiche können Sie jederzeit die WoC Mitgliedschaft beantragen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie hierzu die Geschäftsführung

Die Mitgliedschaft wird durch Beschluss der WoC Mitgliederversammlung begründet.

Einen Überblick über die Fördermöglichkeiten für WoC Mitglieder finden Sie hier

The collobarative research platform “Worlds of Contradiction” is an academic institution of the University of Bremen according to § 92 of Bremen University Law (BremHG) under the responsibility of faculties 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12. Our status are available here. Please note that the English translation is not legally binding.

Professors, academic staff, readers, (senior) lecturers and (senior) researchers of the aforementioned faculties can apply for WoC membership at any time. To do so, please contact the Managing Director

WoC membership is granted by resolution of the WoC General Assembly.

Information on the funding opportunities available to WoC members is available here






PD Dr. Ehler Voss

Managing Director


Managing Assistant

Jonas Trochemowitz

Graduate-Network Coordinator

Tanja Stehn

Office Assistant


Student Assistant